California is home to more than 450,000 senior care residents and staff.

We need your help standing up for our seniors and careforce. Learn more about the key issues impacting California below.

With the US population at a historic standstill, the impending Silver Tsunami will confront a dire shortage of caregivers. Soon, there will only be three caregivers available for every senior in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, down from six.
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Minimum Staffing Requirements

Our Advocacy: Direct Supply has worked with providers to urge lawmakers to allocate more funding for workforce development and block the implementation of the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ new staffing mandate.

Emergency Power Generation

Our Advocacy: Direct Supply helped provide cost estimates to show the California Department of Public Health and California Department of Health Care Access & Information the true cost of implementing their emergency power requirements. We are urging the state to provide resources to skilled nursing facilities to cover the implementation costs.

Direct Care Spend

Our Advocacy: Our Government Relations team has worked closely with the California Association of Health Facilities to push back on a bill that would cap spending on administration, contracted services, and capital costs.

Key Policymakers

Let policymakers know you support senior care.

Governor Gavin Newsom
Senator Laphonza Butler
Senator Alex Padilla

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