Advocates for Senior Care Innovation

We are sincerely grateful to policymakers who understand the risks of enforcing one-size-fits-all policies in skilled nursing and oppose their mandatory adoption. Such policies could lead to widespread closures of senior care communities, depriving seniors and their families of essential care services. Your receptiveness to understanding the challenges facing the senior care industry—together with your unwavering commitment to prioritize resident well-being, cost-effectiveness, and a positive work environment for staff—is commendable. Your support encourages meaningful change and innovation in senior care and directly impacts seniors and their families by ensuring access to quality care.

Senator Mike Braun

“We are already experiencing a shortage of long-term care workers and it is expected to get worse. We need innovation at the state and local levels to meet this increased demand. We don’t need the federal government forcing a one-size-fits-all approach.”

Thank you for your steadfast dedication to improving the well-being of
seniors and those who tirelessly care for them.

Thank Policymakers Who Put Seniors Ahead of Politics

Let your representative know you appreciate their support of seniors.

Representative Terri Sewell
Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith
Senator James Lankford
Senator Pete Ricketts
Senator Kevin Cramer
North Dakota
Senator Jon Tester
Representative Bryan Steil
Representative Steven Horsford
Representative Adrian Smith
Representative Gwen Moore
Senator Deb Fischer
Representative Michelle Fischbach
Representative Dr. Drew Ferguson
Representative David Schweikert
Representative Ron Estes
Representative Lloyd Smucker
Representative Carol Miller
Representative Dr. Greg Murphy
Representative Claudia Tenney
Representative Randy Feenstra
Senator Mike Braun

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