As White House Diverts Funds,

We’re Barely Hanging On.

Throughout the darkest days of the pandemic, workers in senior care communities have shown up and provided care and support to our nation’s most vulnerable individuals.

Now, seemingly forgotten, those who continue to work in senior care are in the fight of their lives to keep the nation’s health care system afloat amid the worst staffing shortages among ALL health care providers nationwide.

Publicly funded vaccines have become $100+ billion business for private drugmakers. Yet the resources that Congress set aside to keep the doors open to senior care communities have been diverted by the White House to pay for vaccines and therapeutics.

It’s time for Congress to STOP the siphoning and restore Provider Relief Funds. Without replenishing the money diverted from the Provider Relief Fund, life-or-death repercussions will follow, as senior care staffing shortages increase hospital admissions and the risk of patient death.
Ask your local legislator to take immediate action to provide comprehensive relief to the senior care providers in your state!

Your Voice Matters.

Tell Our Stories showcases the stories of individuals directly affected by senior care legislative actions. Lend your voice and tell us your story as we seek to amplify support for funding and smart regulation in the senior care industry. Shine a light on a courageous team member or tell us the challenges your team faces as the pandemic has worsened shortages in the health care system. We encourage you to share your story using #SeniorVoices on social media or submit your story using the form below.

    * I grant permission to have my story submission and any adaptations from it, as well as any photos or videos (collectively, “photos”) I submit, shared on and other Tell Our Stories materials and media in conjunction with a positive movement to shine a light on all the amazing stories happening in Senior Living. I understand there is no guarantee that my story submission or photos will be used by Tell Our Stories and agree that even if my story is used I am not entitled to compensation or recognition of any kind. I grant all ownership of my story and photos to Tell Our Stories. I understand that by sharing photos I am representing that the photos do not contain any inappropriate content or protected information, and to the extent the photos contain any image, voice, actions, likeness and/or appearance (collectively, “image”) of other individuals, I have received permission from each individual to include their image in the photo and share it with Tell Our Stories.

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